We’re not meant to do this Alone

We need to share our struggles and triumphs with others and participate in theirs. Contact with fellow sufferers in this realm is imperative, without human contact we wither and fade away.  I’m not suggesting that everyone needs the same amount by any means. It must be reciprocal though. I need to allow people to reallyContinue reading “We’re not meant to do this Alone”

Enlightened Self Interest

When I do something for you, I’m not doing it for you, I’m doing it for me. “Charity is really self-interest disguised under the form of altruism” Anthony de Mello Awareness My life today depends on being of service. Not only am I self employed in a service oriented profession, I have integrated a desire toContinue reading “Enlightened Self Interest”

Please and Thank You

I feel so lucky to be able to embrace, wholeheartedly, the idea that I can improve my conscious contact with God. I acknowledge that many face seemingly insurmountable obstacles when even considering this. It started with the barest beginnings with me. Saying Please when I wake and Thank you as I lay down to end my day. IContinue reading “Please and Thank You”


We I’m here, writing again about principles that I work toward living by. Today I am writing about justice, which is aligned with the 9th step. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. For me though, the step is taking direct action out of love forContinue reading “Justice”


Continuing with my venture into describing principles acquired, developed, learned, what have you, recovering from addiction. It is my assertion that the 12 steps and the order they are in, are divinely inspired. All of the previous steps and principles are needed to make progress to the next. So we’re at step 8. Made a list of allContinue reading “Love”

Right Sized

On the brink of May 2017, I am continuing to share my experience with spiritual principals learned and incorporated into my life as the result of following the program of recovery from alcoholism. The 12 steps in Alcoholics Anonymous. Today we’re at step seven, “Humbly asked Him, to remove our shortcomings.” The principle behind this one is Humility.Continue reading “Right Sized”


“If you want what we have and are willing to go to any lengths to get it.” Then you are ready to take certain steps. From How it works. Here we/I are/am at step 6 Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. So I have identified and shared my less than savory aspects ofContinue reading “Willingness”

How does that lead to Integrity?

Welcome, if you’ve not been following along on our trip, investigating the spiritual principles behind working the steps found in the 12 Steps, primarily from the book Alcoholics Anonymous So here we are at Step 5 Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being, the exact nature of our wrongs. I am not going to talkContinue reading “How does that lead to Integrity?”

"Mystical Shorts"

The transcendental adventures of Simon Birdsong.

Trust and Believe In The Unseen

Live with More Light & Faith by CM.

Dawn Pisturino's Blog

My Writing Journey

My Inspired Life

a sensitive and spirited tumbleweed

Susana Cabaço

Spiritual Insights & Personal Empowerment