I don’t have a clue.

I am fascinated with the authority with which many, write, advising the masses of how it is and how it should be. I have come to the conclusion that, in the words of Lao Tzu

“Those who know don’t talk. Those who talk don’t know. Close your mouth, block off your senses, blunt your sharpness, untie your knots, soften your glare, settle your dust. This is the primal identity. Be like the Tao. It can’t be approached or withdrawn from, benefited or harmed, honored or brought into disgrace. It gives itself up continually. That is why it endures.”

In my quest to find out about what is beneath the cacophony of seemingly endless wants of my physical person. It has become painfully clear that I really don’t know. From this point, I am in the best attitude to be receptive to novel ideas, novel, at least to me. I am able to listen carefully with interest. I stay inquisitive, the sense of adventure of the ordinary remains alive. I find things fresh and exciting, new discoveries are made and miracles noticed regularly. I am immensely more sensitive and am aware of my simplicity and how far I have come and where I am on this journey. At the beginning.

I love to hear about your, experience with the things you struggle with and are or have overcome. I respect and admire the courage summoned to share your true natures. If I pay attention and care I perceive the authenticity and connect on a psychic level. I then know I mean something and so do you.

So even though I write, I hope to project from the position of a novice, a student, a disciple of what God, the cosmos and all of, creation are so generously teaching.

Published by jeffw5382

Stumbling spiritual pilgrim on my way from here to here. Recovered Addict, US Navy Veteran. Sharing my journey of self discovery, in the spirit of service, generosity and gratitude.

22 thoughts on “I don’t have a clue.

  1. What a wonderful medium we have here. The wordpress family is awesome. Welcome! Let’s share, learn and grow together. Hugs 🌷 ☺

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Ah, but there is a different way to write. May I submit the experience, strength and hope style of writing. This way, it’s yours and nobody can take that away from you or prove it wrong. It’s only your experience.

    Just a thought, on a very thoughtful post.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautifully written and true. I constantly try to apply this attitude. So far, I fail from time to time. One of my problems is that I get annoyed when people mix up facts and opinions and state their opinion as if it was a fact.

    Liked by 1 person

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