
The act of perceiving. Well, that’s just great. Admitting that my perception is egregiously flawed, I have arrived at a crossroads where I must summon that which cannot be fathomed by the human mind but know is there.

I have a choice to allow myself to be devoured by all the injustice and chaos swirling in the news. Or I can choose to be consumed by what is now and what is true. Because what is on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook is most likely merely a distraction. Come on Twitter…Really with tens of thousands of fake profiles, this is where we place our trust in gathering accurate information? God help us.


What after all is really important? That I am looking down at the dirt, rather than looking up at it. I am able to devote my life to helping. I can express and acknowledge immense gratitude for the opportunity placed before me to Be Here now!

Stop and discern the vastness of this moment and perhaps the love and light will become apparent.

Published by jeffw5382

Stumbling spiritual pilgrim on my way from here to here. Recovered Addict, US Navy Veteran. Sharing my journey of self discovery, in the spirit of service, generosity and gratitude.

9 thoughts on “Discernment

  1. This seems to be a universal dilemma for those of us who still care these days. But I think you’re looking at it wisely. There is nothing effective any one of us can do if we take the fighting stance. It’s all too much, too global, has too much terrible momentum. But charity — unsolicited kindness to those whose problems are far bigger than our own — is the key to not just maintaining, but increasing basic sanity.

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