
Continuing with my venture into describing principles acquired, developed, learned, what have you, recovering from addiction. It is my assertion that the 12 steps and the order they are in, are divinely inspired. All of the previous steps and principles are needed to make progress to the next.

So we’re at step 8. Made a list of all the people we harmed and became willing to make amends to them all. 

Old timers say that the principle here is brotherly love, there seems to be a bit of debate about this as I have seen a few others. Willingness, discipline among others. I contend that it truly is Love. 

I have realized that what I do to or for others I inflict or provide to myself. My spirit is damaged or enriched by the actions I take toward others. Even just in thought.

If I am to heal my being and become a decent human, able to interact and function in society. I must be rid of the hurt I have caused myself and others. Writing down the names of those I have harmed and becoming willing to bridge the chasm created by my behavior is an imperative exercise on the road to recovery.

Contemplating the love of God is invaluable in this undertaking. God knows my heart and all of my history and Loves me. I must do, be that love to work through this.


Published by jeffw5382

Stumbling spiritual pilgrim on my way from here to here. Recovered Addict, US Navy Veteran. Sharing my journey of self discovery, in the spirit of service, generosity and gratitude.

20 thoughts on “Love

  1. I’m addicted to kind words and compliments here on WordPress and I notice that you seem to be a good source of them, so I’ve come to get my fix. 🙂
    I love the way your words here are so heartfelt and genuine. Blessings on you as you travel this path, my brother.
    Kindness – Robert.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I was wondering how you were going to handle a demand to feed an addiction. 🙂
        Aside from that I think you meant to say ‘no cold, only absence of heat’ I got to say that I am very impressed by what you did there – well done.
        And yes, indeed – we must practice and practice, and in this way we will each find our own perfection.
        Hope you’re having a great day. 🙂
        Gassho – Robert.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I will not be handling anything. I am not the source. I will do “my dance” and if you are helped by it great, if not great. The best help I can be it that which I am not conscious of.


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