Right Sized

On the brink of May 2017, I am continuing to share my experience with spiritual principals learned and incorporated into my life as the result of following the program of recovery from alcoholism. The 12 steps in Alcoholics Anonymous.

Today we’re at step seven, “Humbly asked Him, to remove our shortcomings.” The principle behind this one is Humility. I’ll start with the definition then relate what I’ve heard and learned.



  1. the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one’s own importance, rank, etc.



  1. not proud or arrogant; modest
  2. having a feeling of insignificance, inferiority, subservience, etc
  3. low in rank, importance, status, quality, etc.; lowly
  4. courteously respectful
  5. low in height, level, etc.; small in size 

Now considering all of that and what I know of humility it’s just a bunch of words trying to describe something that is on the verge of indescribable.

Being humble or having humility is, I have heard, “Not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.” “Being Right Sized”

For me, it is the polar opposite of what we’re taught to be. Consider others before myself. My importance is derived from what I have to offer, not what’s in it for me. If I’m in pain or struggling, that is within me and not the result of what I may think has been done to me. I’m responsible. I’m willing to be a cause in the matter.

If you want to make a difference, start with the person you’ve known, longer than anybody else. Me 😛

I’ll leave you with this inspired piece of music


Published by jeffw5382

Stumbling spiritual pilgrim on my way from here to here. Recovered Addict, US Navy Veteran. Sharing my journey of self discovery, in the spirit of service, generosity and gratitude.

11 thoughts on “Right Sized

  1. Wonderfully written post and capped off with the song. This topic of humility is one that we pray about daily for Gods help to obtain. It always seems illusive but every once in awhile we feel like we’ve achieved it. You are right about it being opposite of what the world teaches.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. There’s a verse in the bible that says…”Father help me take heed lest when I think I stand I fall.” I pray that everyday. Mostly HELP works for me! I love your shares the photos and your music! I’m grooving…♡

    Liked by 1 person

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